lundi 2 novembre 2015



Leaves blaze red, orange, yellow,
Unextinguished by
The cool, reflecting ripples.

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Early morning

Early morning

Pastel-bright salmon clouds drift wispily
Across a pale translucent turquoise sky
Still slightly weighted by grey clouds.

lundi 6 juillet 2015



We took you in, Bill, with your one eye,
To keep you safe from predators,
A companion for Ben with his damaged wing
In his solitary aviary.
And after some bullying he accepted you,
Enjoyed your company.
But soon you fell ill and quickly died
Despite the injections and oxygen tent.
And we miss your gentle presence, your sweet ways.
May you rest in peace, dear pigeon,
In your quiet corner of our garden.



Little Fifi, tiny hedgehog,
Found trapped with your brother
In a wire mesh, your mother dead,
You came to us with a third hedgeling:
Fifi, Riri, Loulou.
Such tiny helpless miniatures.
We fell in love with you,
Watching you suck avidly
At the syringes of kitten milk,
Your eyes not open yet.
But then, Fifi, little girl,
You fell ill and couldn’t be saved.
You have your place
In our garden cemetery
And you are missed, our little one,
As we watch your brothers
Thrive, grow teeth, explore
And learn hedgehog ways
Instinctively, without you.

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Night Thoughts


Such plans I have as I lie in bed!
They swarm and buzz inside my head.
All seem exciting and easy to do –
It’d be such fun to learn something new!

I’ll learn to speak German and visit Berlin;
I’ll go on a diet and be really thin;
I’ll finish that novel begun long ago,
Then there are so many things I’d love to sew.

The clarinet would be nice to play,
And perhaps I won’t give my guitar away.
I’ll go to art classes and paint really well -
Would I want to part with those I might sell?

Then there’s yoga and dancing and gentle gym -
I can imagine myself so fit and slim.

Finally I fall into troubled dreams
And when I awake how unreal it all seems!
I get caught up again in the daily routine
And the day is like they’ve always been.

I watch TV then read in bed
And thoughts start whirling in my head:
What if … ?

mercredi 13 mai 2015


The dolmen sits squat
Like a giant stone mushroom
In a fairy glade.