Such plans I have as I lie in bed!
They swarm and buzz inside my head.
All seem exciting and easy to do –
It’d be such fun to learn something new!
I’ll learn to speak German and visit
I’ll go on a diet and be really thin;
I’ll finish that novel begun long ago,
Then there are so many things I’d love to
The clarinet would be nice to play,
And perhaps I won’t give my guitar away.
I’ll go to art classes and paint really
well -
Would I want to part with those I might
Then there’s yoga and dancing and gentle
gym -
I can imagine myself so fit and slim.
Finally I fall into troubled dreams
And when I awake how unreal it all seems!
I get caught up again in the daily routine
And the day is like they’ve always been.
I watch TV then read in bed
And thoughts start whirling in my head:
What if … ?