mardi 18 décembre 2012

Look, I have come through

Look, I have come through

I am emerging into new life
Not like a baby in the womb
But rather as a bulb
Hidden in the dark earth
Sends pale firm shoots
Up towards the unseen light.
For it is not a new life
I am emerging into
But a renewal
Like the bulb
That sends out its flower,
Ever the same yet always new.

After a long hibernation of lethargy,
The darkness of the loss of self
I seek light and colour,
Plant bright flowers in the garden,
Hang baskets of primrose petunias,
Listen to the songs of birds.
Those birds who helped me through,
The never-failing joy I took
In seeing them swoop down
To eat the seeds I scattered,
Splash and drink in the birdbath.
My birds and yet not mine.

Now as they hatch their young
I look forward to seeing them
Drop my seeds
Into their fledglings’ hungry mouths
As I hold my soul open
To new life.

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