dimanche 9 décembre 2012



Father's Day again
and you're not here
yet I would like to say
so many things
my love and gratitude
for all you did
throughout the years
always there for me
always patient, always kind
your hankie when I needed it
smelling of newsprint
mixing my watercolours
piggy-back rides
stories in bed
you asleep before us
the camping holidays
eating off your plate
- it always tasted better-
the spiders you never caught
but said you had
the simple pleasures
Sunday afternoon rides
in the countryside
stopping for an ice cream
your crazes – chocolate éclairs
wine making, bread
the way you made us feel special
on our birthdays
trusted and encouraged us

But also those awful times
watching the train pull out
taking you to London
the sooty smell of smoke
not knowing how long
the hospital would keep you
then sick with joy
to have you back

If only I could have you back

I can't lay flowers for you
so I offer you this
my memories

Sunday, 21 June 2009

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