jeudi 6 décembre 2012

Summer window


At a distance, through a grey veil of rain,
The unlovely bulk of the cement works
Takes on the solid dignity of a castle
With its squat keep and square banquet hall
Outlined against the mottled sky.

Fork-tailed birds swoop and swirl, flash by
The spattered panes to their nest in the eaves
To feed their cheeping, fluffy-feathered young
Who venture out to perch, impatient, on the tiles
From which they will soon test their wings,
Flying in ever-expanding circles.

Wasps buzz fruitlessly against closed windows,
Wood pigeons tirelessly repeat their cooing calls
Against the steady drip of rain
And cracking of damp timbers.

An antidote to drab shades of grey,
A rowan offers up its green fronds
Clustered with orange berries,
A delicate tracery of complimentary colours
That catch the first light of the watery sun’s return.

Written in the Granary cottage on a wet afternoon (23/08/10)

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